Monday, March 26, 2012

Lesson 26



  • The first chapter opens up with "To the 'twelve tribes' of Israel" who were scattered.  I presume the persecution here was similar to the persecution in other books of the New Testament. I.e., the1st century believers were persecuted for simply being thriving Christians who taught Christ is King.  In other words, they would not adhere to the teaching of Pious Jews and Rome who said Caesar was king.  John 19:15, ""We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered."  
  • The second chapter however, speaks of an admonition to believers to be careful NOT to discriminate between the rich and poor.  I don't see any "trial" connection with James 2:6-7 and James 1:2-4 in these two chapters. The first chapter speaks of facing trials and the second chapter speaks of an admonition to treat everyone equally.  The only "trial" I can read in to chapter two is that they may have been "tempted" to go with cultural standards, so they didn't have to face "trials."  Difficult question to answer, in my opinion, unless I'm understanding it incorrectly.  
4. a.
I don't have as close of a relationship with my family as I would like to have because of my faith.  My response to that is as follows:  "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."   The same could be said here of co-workers, friends at school, etc.  I am grateful for the body of Christ and my fiancee and her family.  They are all believers and have been a tremendous blessing in my life.  Praise God!  I will continue to pray for my family members salvation. 

Whenever you lose someone in your life, whether through divorce, death, or simply because of your faith, God will fill the void by putting believers in your life to help us to continue to grow in the faith.  They joy is knowing that God doesn't waste our pain.  God uses everything in our life to draw us in to a richer more meaningful and more fulfilling relationship with Him; here on earth and for all eternity.  Praise be to God!  

5. a.
  • Ask God
  • Believe and not doubt
No, because no human being has perfect faith.  Also, no, because we have an adversary that introduces doubt in our minds every day.  That is why we are admonished to put on the full armor of God every day.  To protect ourselves from the flaming arrows of doubt (with the armor of God we can put out the flaming arrows of the evil one).  There are varying degrees of doubt, however.  Mature believers doubt less, because they have been in the faith longer, and have seen the mighty hand of God move more often.  I believe as we grow-up in the faith, God would prefer that we remove doubt from our lives.

God is interested in what is lasting (the spiritual), not in what is temporary (money).

7. a.
Our culture has become so sexualized that it’s not hard to become tempted by the number of images that bombard us every day. Walk through a supermarket and you see suggestive photos on the covers of magazines.  Turn on the television and it doesn’t take long before you see advertisements filled with sexual innuendos and erectile dysfunction.  Switch on the computer, and you find spam emails offering sex and images with just one click.  All this directly relates to acting out sexual desires and unwanted pregnancies (death).  Not to mention the spiritual "death" that is taking place as millions are turning away from God for earthly pleasures. 

Put on the full armor of God daily.  Make my life a living prayer by FIXING my thoughts on, "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."  Also, memorize scripture that is our only offensive weapon to defeat Satan.  Jesus quoted scripture in the wilderness to resist temptation.  We need to quote scripture as well.  

8. a.
  • Be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry
  • Get rid of all moral filth
  • Humbly accept the word planted in you that can save you
  • Do not merely listen to the word, but be doer's of the word
  • Keep a tight reign on your tongue
  • Keep oneself from being polluted by the world
Right now I am not involved in any type of ministry.  I need to do a better job of being a "doer" of the word.

9. a.
This could mean anyone with very little means of economic support.  I.e., the unemployed family trying to pay their bills, or the homeless person who needs food and warm clothing. 

Yes, I have a responsibility.   We all are admonished by Christ in the beatitudes to take care of one another. At my church they take a special collection for the needs of those who are struggling financially.  I support food banks that support the homeless.

Preference is shown at certain times where favoritism is at all times.  In other words, my "preference" may be to eat at Taco Bell one day, and then eat at McDonald's the next day.  "Favoritism" is like your favorite color, it almost never changes.  Favoritism is really not acceptable in any circle.  Preference, however, is okay as long as it is balanced out equally over time. 

11. a.
Democrats and Republicans try to win the favor of the rich by holding fund raising dinners that cost attendees more $1500 to $5000 a plate.

I am a Republican, and I am not rich, so I can't reverse it.

If they have sinned at any point in their lives, in which they have, that verse will help them realize they are guilty of breaking the whole law of God. Then, we can emphasize that salvation comes only by grace through faith in Jesus.  We can also say, if we could attain salvation by obeying the law, then Christ died in vain. We can show them that we can be righteous before God only on the basis of the righteousness of Christ. Though Christ was without sin, he paid the penalty due for our sin so that we would be declared righteous before God.

James was describing a dead faith, one that is not real.  True faith, or one that is "alive," or real, and it transforms not only our speech, but our conduct as well.  Mt. 7:16, "You will know them by their fruits."  

The demons are "orthodox" in their theology, because they believe in God just like Abraham and Rahab, yet demons are different than Abraham and Rahab, because they are rebellious towards God.    

15. a.
James says that Abraham was considered righteous for what he did with Isaac.  Rahab hid the spies from Israel, demonstrating her faith in God's plan for Israel.  If you are "born again," your "spiritual birth" must produce growth just like your physical growth.  With birth must come growth.  If there is not growth, someone may not be truly born again.

Evidence of the faith to me equals fruits of the Holy Spirit.  I hope that people close to me see kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and joy.  I am still a work in progress and need to work on love, patience, and self-control.  

As Christians I am learning to be a witness amongst the trials in my life.  I need to continue to persevere through trials and allow perseverance to complete my faith.  Pray that I continue to persevere.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lesson 25

FIRST DAY: Read the notes with all Scripture references.



SECOND DAY: Ephesians 6:10–13.
a.  Our battle is not of flesh and blood.  Therefore, we are fighting a "spiritual" battle that can only be won by asking the Spirit of God to fight the spiritual battle on our behalf.  Our strength to fight our adversary must come from Him.

b. We need to pray without ceasing what God told Zechariah, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord Almighty.

c. I am renting right now, and would love to someday own a home again.  I walk at night through neighborhoods filled with beautiful homes.  I covet them.  I want them.  I have learned however to find contentment in all situations and be very grateful for for where God has me.  As Timothy said, "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

Genesis 3:1–5:  He was crafty.  He was a liar.
2 Samuel 11:1-4:  Satan will distract you.  David abandoned his purpose by staying home from war.
Daniel 4:28–30, 37 Nebuchadnezzar praised and exalted himself for Babylon's success instead of praising God and exalting God's name in glory.
Matthew 4:1–11  Satan is a tempter.  He is always trying to get us to live his way, or our way, instead of God's way.

For the reasons given above.  Satan is crafty.  He is a liar.  He will try to distract you from your relationship with God, and then tempt you while he has distracted you.  This is all going on in the mind and we just don't see it.  That is why we have to be "transformed" by the "renewing" of our mind.  Keep our eyes fixed on God and rely on His Spirit to help us know when we come under a spiritual attack that starts in the mind.

THIRD DAY: Ephesians 6:14–18.
6. a.
  • Helmet of salvation - Keeps us from doubting our salvation.
  • Breastplate of righteousness -  The breastplate protects our heart from evil intent in this world.  
  • Shield of faith - Protects us from setbacks in life.  It keeps our eyes on the next life for comfort.
  • Sword of the Spirit - The Sword is our only weapon.  It's the Word of God given to us to quote scripture when we get near trouble.  Quote scripture the same way Jesus did when he was tempted.
  • Belt of Truth - Satan fights with lies.  If we remain in God's word, we will recognize Satan's lies.
  • Gospel of truth -  Proclaim the true peace that is in us to others.
b.  We would feel vulnerable if we left our home without clothes on, and in the same way, we should feel spiritual vulnerable if we get out of bed without clothing ourselves with the full armor of God.  We need to pray daily to resist the devil's attacks otherwise we are guaranteed casualties.

7. a.
  • Be Strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
  • Stand your ground
  • Pray in the Spirit in all occasions.
  • Be alert
  • Keep on praying for all the saints

b.  Give illustrations of how you could apply each of these methods in daily life.
  • Be Strong in the Lord and in His mighty power -  Soldiers use  the term be strong to each other in the field. Be strong - Nothing less will suffice.  Failure to be strong by "clothing" ourselves with the Spirit of God will guarantee be become a spiritual casualty. 
  • Stand your ground - Can also mean, "Give'them an inch and they'll take a mile."  If we give Satan an inch, he will take a mile.  If we stand firm, he will flee."  James 4:7  
  • Pray in the Spirit in all occasions. - I'm not sure if this is an illustration, but... If we "pray" about it, more than we "think" about it, that's our best defense to giving in to Satan's schemes.
  • Be alert - A flashing red light alerts motorists of trouble ahead.  When we don't pray, we can expect trouble ahead.
  • Keep on praying for all the saints - 

FOURTH DAY: Ephesians 6:17–18.
a.  We are to take it and use it with prayer in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  We are to always be alert and keep on praying for all the saints.

b.  This can be done by surrounding my daily thoughts around God's desire's and teaching.  Thus, my life becomes one prayer to God.  Pray without ceasing.

9.  Be alert means to be alert in your thinking.  Be conscious of the thoughts that are entering your mind.  This is where the spiritual battle begins.  Focus on the thought and ask yourself, "Is the thought a 'fruit of the flesh,' or 'fruit of the spirit'"?  If we are going to live a spirit filled life, we can only allow spirit filled thougts to enter our minds and ultimately our hearts.  If the thought is not related to the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:19-26, then it must be discarded as quickly as possible.

FIFTH DAY: Ephesians 6:19–24
a.  Pray that whenever he opens his mouth, words may be given to him so that he will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which he is an ambassador in chains. He asked for prayer that he may declare the gospel fearlessly, as we all should. 

b. Pray for all believers everywhere.

c.  It is vital.  Paul ends his sermon on the armor of God by warning that the spiritual soldier must "with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18).  Prayer develops intimacy with God and without an intimate and personal relationship with God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will not hear God telling us who he may want us to share the gospel with at any given moment.

a. Paul wanted the Ephesians to know how he was doing.  Tychicus was one who was willing to deliver a message for Paul so the brethren could be informed about his well being as well as be encouraged by the report.

b.  To whomever I may come in contact with throughout my day and my fiancee.

SIXTH DAY: Ephesians 1–6
  • Eph 1:11  - God has his own will
  • Eph 2:4-5 - God is rich in mercy
  • Eph 3:2 - God dispenses grace
  • Eph 4:4-6 - He is over all and through all and in all.  He is also Trinity.
  • Eph 5:6 - the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience
  • Eph 6:12-17 - We adorn ourselves with the full "armor" of God

God has given us salvation, and that salvation He has given us, is no doubt to be "worn" in our hearts and minds like a soldier wears armor before going in to battle.   I will pray more, and stand on guard more, knowing I am always under attack by our adversary.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Lesson 24

The BSF legal police said posting BSF questions online is a violation of their copy rights.  As such, I was informed by their exclusivity team that I must remove their questions from my blog.  I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as such, I will humbly comply with their request.  Thankfully, BSF doesn't own the rights to the numbers; they said I could keep those.  Oh, and I own the rights to my answers to their questions and I will continue to share them with you.  May we all CONTINUE to grow in the knowledge, love, and "grace" of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

First Day:



Be completely humble and gentle; be patient bearing with one another with love.  Make every effort to keep unity of the Spirit through the "bond of peace."

Unity of the Spirit. 

We keep unity by keeping our eyes on God and not on ourselves.  In Acts 1:14 the early church, in one accord, ALL gathered together and "united" in prayer. 

  • Organic Unity is the idea that a thing is made up of interdependent parts. For example, a body is made up of its constituent organs, or a society is made up of its constituent social roles. 
  • organizational conformity means that workers tend to conform to the prevailing culture of the corporation for which they work.
Source: Wikipedia

Understanding that unity doesn't just happen; we have to work at it. 

  • One body - Helps us see how our different gifts and viewpoints can "help" the church as it does God's work.
  • One Spirit - Uniting through one Spirit, leads to "peace" within the church body allowing on us to focus on God's work rather than our differences.
  • One hope - Our hope is knowing this life is short, and therefore, we live for the promised life to come.
  • One Lord - The Lord is at the head of the church body; instructing us and growing us in the faith.  Mature believers who have rec'vd this instruction and growth, can help weaker Christians grow up in the faith together in one accord.
  • One faith - One faith in Christ is our foundation to any unity we have in the church.
  • One baptism - Baptism is simply an outward profession of our inward faith.  It shows the Church and the world, we believe in one body; with Christ at the head, living in one accord.  
  • One God - Our God offered up the plan of salvation, that our Lord and Savior humbly and willingly fufilled.  God's plan of salvation set our unity in the church in motion.
  • Apostles - Apostles are messengers or basically Christian Missionaries, and like Paul, they can encourage churches.
  • Prophets - Prophets are people who speak by divine inspiration from God to the people of God.
  • Evangelists - Evangelists minister the Word in a way that creates "revival".  
  • Pastors - Pastors are God's Shepherd's over the flock.  They are ordained to look after the flock/sheep to ensure they are all accounted for within the church body.
  • Teachers - Teachers instruct.  They help the church understand the Word of God as do Pastors.
By using my spiritual gifts of encouragement and compassion to help build up people around me.

Spiritual maturity is God’s goal for our life. Then we will no longer be like children.  Spiritual maturity is using sound Biblical doctrine in all our decisions in life an effort to become "like" Jesus our Lord and Savior.

By foregoing earthly knowledge and grounding ourselves in God's Word. We need to study the Bible and develop our theological knowledge. Stay humble and curious to learn about God's amazing love for us.

Christ is the way, the "truth" and the life.  I need to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in the Spirit of truth.

Present the gospel with humility so it doesn't come across as offensive to others.  Show others that I care about their spiritual well being.

Growing up into Christ is all about learning to trust Jesus with everything.  He will never force us to worship Him and obey Him, but by simply surrendering to Him, He will live out His life in us!  What a wonderous gift and opportunity we have to experience the very presence of God living in us!  May we not take it for granted. 

Christ forms us in to one body - in to a group of individuals who are united in their love for one another and the Lord.  If one person stumbles, I can be that person that helps him or her get back up and walk with God again.


  • 4:22, Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires,
  • 4:25, Put off falsehood and speak truthfully
  • 4:26, Do not sin
  • 4:27, Do not give the devil a foothold
  • 4:28, Do not steal
  • 4:29, Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth
  • 4:30, Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
  • 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
  • 5:3, There must not be a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed
  • 5:4, Nor should there obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking
  • 4:6, Let no one deceive you with empty words
  • 4:23, Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness
  • 4:22, Be made new in the ATTITUDE of your minds... 
  • 4:25, Speak truthfully
  • 4:32, Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave us.
  • 5:1, Be imitators of God.
  • 5:10, Find out what pleases the Lord
  • 5:17, Be filled with the Spirit
**See verses in the Put Off and Put On section above.

I try to pray every day, like Zechariah prayed, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, " says the Lord.  I recognize that I am in a spiritual battle, and sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose.  I'm convinced that I have underestimated my enemy, the devil.  I need to be more disciplined in the area of letting the Spirit of God lead me, so I can live a more consistent Christian life.

When we submit to authority, and godly leadership, we become more willing to submit to all of God's commands, not just the ones that are easy to submit to.
It encourages responsibility and integrity.  We would do a better job of treating people in our lives fairly and with respect.

5:1, Be imitators of God. This verse sums up all others for me.  If I can do this, I will not live as the gentiles, I will work to keep unity of the Spirit, I will not let any unwholesome words come out of my mouth.   My prayer would be that I would daily pick up my cross and die to self, so that Christ may live in me.
