Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lesson 32

Hello everyone,

The time has come to say goodbye to BSF for the summer.  I will not be posting BSF Lesson 32 since all questions are personal in nature.

I hope the BSF study in to God's word has blessed you, as much as it has blessed me, and I hope we all continue to "daily" grow in the knowledge and goodness of our wonderful and merciful Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lesson 31



3. a.
Paul used his freedom in Christ to became all things to all people, so that he might save some.  And in this passage, he was probably trying to keep to peace by submitting to Jewish customs.

James, Jesus brother, was the "leader" of the Jerusalem church.  Paul's submission to James wishes in this passage shows his humility and willingness to uphold core essential Christian doctrine, while being flexible on non-essential religious issues (which was the case here).  Paul wrote in Romans that we should not judge on "disputable matters".  Shaving your head, or purifying yourself, are not core essential doctrines that can save a mans soul, and Paul knew it, so he submitted for the sake of peace, and so that he could share what really saved a man apart from OT law, and that is, Jesus alone and His wonderful grace.

The result is humility and showing that while he was a man of strong conviction, he could be flexible when it came to "saving some".  

I'm not sure what "it" is in this question, but I will presume the question refers to Paul's arrest.  First, Jesus said "In this life you will have trouble," especially if you follow Jesus.  Jesus also said, "If the world hates you, it's because the world first hated Him."  Secondly, and to the  point, Paul used his times of persecution not to complain about being persecuted, but instead, as an opportunity to witness.  Here, even his enemies, gave him a platform to preach to the Sanhedrin and Pharisee leaders.  

5. a.
He spoke many languages.  He was called to be a missionary and reach different tribes, tongues, and nations.

He stirred up anger in the Sanhedrin and Pharisees and exposed pride in their exclusive religion that was meant to go out to the gentiles.  Paul was essentially doing their work and was on trial for it.

  • God's call on my life is to be ready to serve in God's army, and like a good soldier, "GO" into the world and witness when I am called to be used by God at any given moment.  
  • Living in America, we really don't encounter much persecution.  The worst persecution I have experienced is "isolation," being called a "Jesus Freak," and being called a "Heretic."
6. a.
With a good and clear conscience, and with confidence, Paul looked the Sanhedrin and Pharisee's in the eye, and he told them he is fulfilling his duty to God to preach Christ Jesus death burial and resurrection.


  • Paul had not quite learned how to gracefully "turn the other cheek."  He was pretty upset for being slapped in the face, and rightfully so, because Paul was basically on trial, but committed no crime.  
  • Paul quickly turned the slap in the face as an opportunity to point out that the high priest, Ananias, was a hypocrite for teaching in error.  

When Paul realized it was the high priest, Ananias, who ordered him to be slapped in the face, he humbled himself before the counsel by apologizing. Paul quoted scripture, which pointed out his error in insulting one of God's rulers of the people.  

As mentioned in the previous question, Paul immediately quoted scripture.  Showing his knowledge and obedience to God; rather than the "religious" counsel.

I would say his methods were first and foremost "dynamic" and "passionate" and "sincere."  He showed his passion (anger) at first and was quickly moved to humility and submissiveness.  He was clearly a theologian through and through having studied under Gamaliel, a well known High Priest.  He also studied under God himself, because he was able to effectively communicate scripture when it was needed.  Paul never lost sight of his goal to teach Christ crucified, buried, and his resurrection.  He had a goal, to win the prize!  As a writer of 2/3 of the NT, there are probably none other than Jesus himself that will finish the race ahead of him.    

7. a.
The Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! 

I need comfort not to fear persecution of any kind while witnessing.  

8. a.
God allowed Paul to escape the conspiracy that was against him.  Paul was able to leave town without experiencing any further harm.

This is the only biblical reference to Paul's immediate family.  Paul wrote he lost "everything" in another book (I think Corinthians). When he said "everything" he must have been referring to things of the "world" that don't really matter.  This story says his family stood by him through thick and thin.  They did not give up on him.

Felix wasn't interested in God's call.  He was only interested in receiving a bribe from Paul.  Paul's talk with Felix became so personal (talking about "righteous" self-control), that Felix grew in fear of what Paul was preaching.  

a. 22-23

b. 7-8, 20-21

c.  9-11

d. 12-18

11.  Paul's aim was of course, Jesus aim:
  • To open their eyes
  • To turn from darkness to light
  • To turn from the power of Satan to God
  • That they may receive forgiveness of sins
  • To receive an inheritance
  • And to be sanctified
”Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”

Paul was appealing to facts in his case, and wasn't concerned about the accusations that were brought against him. He was only interested in speaking the truth in the case and the truth of the gospel.   Moreover, he was more concerned with the salvation of these strangers, than we was with having his chains removed.  

14. a.
He was first, persistent to get his point of view across, and then he was patient, courageous, calm, and humble.
To remain calm knowing God is in control of our lives.  

15. a.
The Holy Spirit provided assurance that he would make it to Rome.  This strengthened his faith and provided the calm he needed to trust God.

I've experienced a great deal of God's peace in my life in the last four years alone, despite experiencing overwhelming losses.  I now TRULY know God meant when we He said we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.  Like Job said, "Before (the trials) my ears have heard, but now (after the trials), my eyes can see" the goodness of God.  God truly does want to be an intimate part of every area of our life.  Praise God ALWAYS!  

Paul continued to minister to others even as a ship-wrecked prisoner.  Many people were affected by his testimony despite adversities.  It's not wonder the gospel caught on like wildfire.  PAUL WAS TRULY "A WITNESS AMONGST THE TRIALS."

It makes me want to trust God more without any fear.  Pray that I too would be a wonderful "WITNESS AMONGST THE TRIALS" just as Paul was able to do.  Persecution never stops the gospel, it only advances it through our testimony!
